The new year ushers in new resolutions and new opportunities, but too often our old habits and perennial stresses repeat the patterns of the years before.
This is inevitable when the same body and mindset carry forward the same habitual patterns that are simply perpetuated from one year to the next. Intellectual new year resolutions carry little chance of real change, unless directed by a part of self that can wrench itself free from these old patterns. The good news is that you have the ability to create within yourself an empowered director to lead you through a stress-free and fulfilling year ahead...
Conditions for Success
The first thing needed is the wish to change. Strength of will is needed to sustain new habits. While habitual pain and disappointment may force you to change, the thought of success and abundance can be an equally powerful motivator, as any champion will tell you. So ask yourself how much you (really) want this change.
The second thing needed is the ability to shine the torch on every part of yourself. Who are the fixed persona that are hidden inside of you, controlling your mind and behaviour? We need to recognise the parts of our personalities that keep us from experiencing our greater potential.
Once we have identified the cause of our limitations and are powerfully motivated to make the necessary changes, we then need a third condition: a specific wish that can deal with the old limiting factor, something like: I wish to overcome my sense of scarcity and trust that life is supportive and abundant.