Feel Like You Every Day of the Month

Hormone Health Coach & Kiko Vitals Founder Kerri-lee Taylor shares her top personal power tips for embodied women...

As women, our lives are intertwined with the rhythms of our menstrual cycles, and each day brings its own unique energy. Tapping into this rhythm can help us harness our power, enhance our well-being, and achieve our goals. 

Here are our top tips to help you feel empowered every day of your cyclical month…

Day 1: Embrace Rest

Allow yourself to rest today. Your body is doing important work as menstruation begins. Use this time to recharge, reflect, and set intentions for the month ahead.

Day 2: Practise Self-Compassion

Be gentle with yourself. Accept that it’s okay to slow down and prioritize your needs. Practising self-compassion will help you build resilience.

Day 3: Nourish Deeply

Focus on nutrient-rich foods that support your body’s recovery. Warm, comforting meals will not only nourish you physically but also soothe your soul.

Day 4: Meditate for Clarity

Take time to meditate today. Even a few minutes of mindfulness can help clear mental fog, reduce stress, and connect you with your inner wisdom.

Day 5: Stretch and Breathe

Incorporate gentle stretches and deep breathing exercises into your day. This will help alleviate any lingering discomfort and rejuvenate your energy.

Day 6: Set Your Goals

As your energy begins to rise, set clear, actionable goals for the week. Your mind is becoming sharper, making it an ideal time for planning and strategising.

Day 7: Try Something New

Explore a new hobby or activity. This phase of your cycle is great for learning and creativity, so step out of your comfort zone and discover something fresh.

Day 8: Connect with Others

Socialise with friends or network professionally. Your communication skills are heightened, making it a great day for meaningful connections.

Day 9: Move with Power

Channel your energy into a powerful workout. Whether it’s a run, a HIIT session, or a dance class, moving your body will amplify your strength and confidence.

Day 10: Speak Your Truth

Today, focus on clear and assertive communication. Whether in personal or professional settings, use your voice to express your thoughts and desires authentically.

Day 11: Take Initiative

Take the lead on a project or task you’ve been putting off. Your drive and determination are at a high point, making this a perfect day to take charge.

Day 12: Plan for Success

With your mind sharp and focused, plan for upcoming events or projects. Organise your schedule and set yourself up for success in the days ahead.

Day 13: Celebrate Your Wins

Reflect on your recent accomplishments and take a moment to celebrate them, no matter how small. Acknowledging your successes fuels future achievements.

Day 14: Honour Your Confidence

As ovulation approaches, your confidence peaks. Use this self-assured energy to tackle challenges, present your ideas, or make bold decisions.

Day 15: Radiate Positivity

You’re likely feeling your best today. Spread positivity by complimenting others, sharing your joy, and lifting the spirits of those around you.

Day 16: Express Gratitude

Take time to write down what you’re grateful for. Gratitude shifts your focus from what’s lacking to what’s abundant, fostering a positive mindset.

Day 17: Focus on Self-Care

As your energy begins to shift, prioritise self-care. Whether it’s a long bath, a skincare routine, or quiet time with a book, nurture your well-being.

Day 18: Organise Your Space

Declutter and organise your physical space. A clean, orderly environment can help reduce stress and create mental clarity as your body transitions into the luteal phase.

Day 19: Practise Patience

With hormonal changes, you might feel more sensitive today. Practice patience with yourself and others, knowing that this phase requires a gentler approach.

Day 20: Stay Hydrated

Focus on hydration today. Drinking plenty of water will help reduce bloating and fatigue, keeping your body balanced and energized.

Day 21: Prioritise Sleep

Make sleep a top priority tonight. A good night’s rest will help you feel more balanced and ready to take on the day ahead.

Day 22: Embrace Slow Living

Slow down and savor the little moments. Whether it’s enjoying a cup of tea or taking a leisurely walk, embracing slow living can bring peace and contentment.

Day 23: Release Tension

Focus on releasing physical and emotional tension. Gentle yoga, stretching, or journaling can help you let go of stress and refocus your energy.

Day 24: Practise Kindness

Be kind to yourself and others today. Acts of kindness, whether giving a compliment or doing something nice for yourself, can uplift your mood and foster connections.

Day 25: Ground Yourself

Spend time in nature or engage in grounding activities like gardening or walking barefoot on grass. Grounding helps stabilize your emotions and brings a sense of calm.

Day 26: Listen to Your Body

Tune into your body’s needs. If you’re feeling tired, allow yourself to rest. If you have energy, move gently. Respecting your body’s signals is key.

Day 27: Reflect on Your Cycle

Reflect on how your cycle has affected you this month. Understanding these patterns can help you better plan and manage your energy in the future.

Day 28: Prepare for Renewal

As your cycle comes full circle, prepare for a new beginning. Reflect on what you’ve learned, set new intentions, and embrace the renewal that comes with the menstrual phase.

Day 29: Connect with Your Intuition

Your intuition may be heightened today. Trust your gut feelings and allow them to guide your decisions, especially as you approach the end of the cycle.

Day 30: Release What No Longer Serves You

Let go of habits, thoughts, or activities that no longer serve your growth. Decluttering mentally and emotionally prepares you for a fresh start.

Day 31: Celebrate Your Cycle

Celebrate the natural rhythm of your cycle and how it empowers you. Embrace the wisdom it offers and use it to enhance every aspect of your life.

Need help regulating your cycle?

With Kiko’s Hormone Balance, you can say goodbye to hormonal imbalance issues such as irregular periods, uncontrollable cravings, painful cramps, and skin breakouts. Designed to support your body's natural hormone balance, it promotes healthy ovarian function and supports metabolic health. Embrace a happier, healthier menstrual cycle with the Kiko Hormone Balance.


Kerri-lee Taylor is the Founder and CEO of Kiko Vitals, leading providers of a 100% natural feminine supplement range that’s backed by science and offers real results. As a certified Hormone Health Coach from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, she brings a deep understanding of the intricate relationship between lifestyle, nutrition, and hormonal balance to her products and brand.

“Wellness Warehouse strives to help you live life well but because we are retailers and not medical practitioners we cannot offer medical advice. Please always consult your medical practitioner before taking any supplements, complementary medicines or have any health concerns and ensure that you always read labels, warnings and directions carefully, prior to consumption.”